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Case Study: Mick & Joan, East Midlands

Mick & Joan live in Barrow upon Soar and are beginning the process of taking their private pensions early to start improving their home so that they are able to retire comfortably.

What led you to want to invest in spray foam?

We’re looking at winding down our careers and with that in mind we’re trying to get our house set up so that we can just retire nice and peacefully with as few overheads as possible.  Energy prices have gone up and we want to get ourselves to a point where we’ve already got everything in place to keep them low.  The loft needed reinsulating as it hadn’t been done since we moved in 12 years ago and Spray Foam looked like the best option.

Have you been happy with your investment?

We have, definitely.  It was more expensive to install on the front end than say just rolls of loft insulation, but we did our research and decided it was the best choice for us, it saves the most money and it’s reduced our energy usage – the house feels warmer, and we don’t seem to have the heating on for as long.

Have you saved money?

Absolutely, our energy bills have gone down quite a bit.  Last time we got our bill through it was lower than we expected by a good couple of hundred pounds, so Mick was thrilled!

Would you recommend spray foam to others?

I would recommend it if you’re looking at insulating your home for sure.  Like everything I’d say do your research first, because it might not be the right choice for you, or it might be too expensive for you, that kind of thing.  But for us it’s worked, the house feels a bit less draughty, and it’s more comfortable.  It isn’t just that we don’t have the heating on as long, but now the heat isn’t going anywhere like it was doing, so we don’t need to put it on as early as we used to.  The house feels quieter too, which we were told could be a bonus of this type of insulation.

Are you likely to think about any other renewable products?

We already are. We’re looking into just getting the house sorted so that once we’ve retired, we don’t need to do anything else for a good while so we’re doing our research now for an Air Source Heat Pump.

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