Transforming Homes for a Sustainable Future.

The ECO4 scheme is a UK Government backed scheme designed to help improve the energy efficiency of homes across the UK, and to help the UK meet its net zero targets by 2050.

By improving their energy efficiency, homes in the UK could save as much as £2000 a year on energy bills.

How does ECO4 work?

ECO4 has been designed to make funding as accessible as possible for all qualifying homes.  It’s surprisingly simple, with only 5 easy steps to go from application to installation.

Eligibility Check

Determine your eligibility & if you qualify for the program.

Find a Match

We match you with a trusted, vetted installer based on your location.

Home Survey

Your installer conducts a home survey for assessment and planning.

Grant Funding

The installer determines required measures for the ECO4 scheme and funding.


The measures are installed and energy efficiency in your home increases.

What measures are available on ECO4?

We can help you with the insulation and heating measures listed below.

Home Insulation

Prevent heat escaping your home in cold weather.

Solar Panels

Generate free energy from the sun & power your home.

Heat Pumps

Capture heat from the surrounding air & use it in your home.

Boiler Upgrades

Repair or replace your boiler & maximise energy efficiency.

Are you eligible for an ECO4 grant?

How do I qualify for ECO4 grants?

One of the goals of ECO4 is to ensure that the most vulnerable households in the country have access to measures to improve their home’s energy efficiency.  With that in mind there are 2 main criteria to qualify for ECO4.
If your home has an eligible EPC rating, and you receive any of the qualifying benefits, regardless of if you’re a homeowner or a private tenant, you are likely to be eligible for support via ECO4.

Qualifying Benefits

You can qualify for ECO4 if you receive certain benefits such as those outlined below.

Housing Benefit

Working Tax Credit

Pension Credit

Income Based JSA

Child Benefit

Universal Credit

What is EPC and how does it relate to ECO4?

An EPC rating quite simply put is the way of measuring the energy efficiency of your property. It’s used by buyers or renters to gain an insight into how much energy bills could cost in their new house.

The EPC rating itself is assessed by an independent inspector and depends on a variety of factors. This is to ensure that EPC ratings are universal across the country.

Lower Energy Bills

A higher EPC rating means your home is more energy efficient, and costs less to heat – lowering your energy bills.

Higher Home Value

One of the most important aspects of a new home for potential buyers is EPC. A higher EPC rating can lead to a higher value home.

Lower Carbon Emissions

By using energy effectively in your home, you will be using less fuel to heat it, and lowering your carbon footprint.

Prevent Damp & Mould

Measures that increase your homes EPC rating can help prevent common issues like mould and damp.

Guides & Advice

ECO4 is a great scheme, but being so new it can be a little confusing.  We’ve put together some guides to go into more detail about all aspects of ECO4 and help arm you with as much knowledge as possible.

The complete guide to ECO4

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO), is a government energy efficiency measure for Great Britain, administered by Ofgem.
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EPC Ratings: What Are They & How to Improve Them?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Rating is an easy, at a glance way to recognise what your home’s energy performance is like.
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ECO4: What is it and how is it helping us?

ECO4 has a focus on supporting those who live in fuel poor households, to reduce energy bills, boost their home’s energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions.
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What Does The ECO4 Scheme Mean For Me?

ECO4 began in August 2022 and is set to run until 2026, with £1billion of funds being made available to pay for the upgrades and improvements to people’s homes.
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What Can ECO4 Do for My Home?

ECO4 is a scheme put in place by the UK government to do 2 things. First, ECO4 is part of the governments commitments to achieving its Net Zero targets by
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ECO4 Case Study – James & Olivia

James & Olivia live in the Midlands and have two children. They are currently receiving Child Benefit whilst James is working full time in the hospitality industry.
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Have You Heard of ECO4?

The Eco scheme is a Government backed scheme designed to help improve the energy efficiency of home across the UK, and to help the UK meet the net zero targets by 2050.
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The History of ECO4

ECO has seen different phases throughout its lifetime, and each one has had different goals and targets as part the broader plan to make the UK a greener country.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Even though we have some great guides to explain ECO4 in more detail, we’ve also put together some at a glance answers to some of the questions we get asked most often.

ECO4 is the fourth phase of a government scheme called the Energy Company Obligation.

It’s an initiative aimed at helping as many eligible households as possible get access to home improvements that will increase their energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.  It’s also part of the UK reaching our net zero targets by 2050.

The eligibility criteria for ECO4 is very simple, you need to be in receipt of a government benefit from the qualifying list, and you need to be in a home that has an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D-G.

The average EPC rating for most homes in the UK at the moment is D.  ECO4 is looking to change that.

There is a wide list of measures available to improve your home through ECO4, set out by the government.  The priority for ECO4 is to make homes more energy efficient, so the measures available reflect this.

Some of the improvements you could see include improved loft, cavity wall, or underfloor home insulation; an upgraded boiler or heating system, or your current boiler repaired to bring it back to as energy efficient as possible; a renewable heating system installed to replace your current system; or in some cases, even a solar PV system.

You do not need to own the home you live in to be eligible for ECO4.  Homeowners and tenants alike can qualify for ECO4 funding to improve the energy efficiency of their home.

The only thing that tenants need to do is make sure they have permission from their landlord before making the application and installing any improvements.

Are you eligible for an ECO4 grant?