The Rise Of Renewables In The Home

The increase of renewable energy in residential houses has been one of the biggest changes in the UK in the last 10 years.
Does Solar Still Work In The Winter?

Winter is here and it’s difficult to avoid wondering if solar panels can produce an effective amount of energy for your home in the cold ‘sunless’ conditions that the season brings. The United Kingdom isn’t renowned for its unending sunshine – in fact, it’s famous for being miserable for exactly that. The good news is […]
How Much Energy Can Solar Panels Produce?

We’ve done some quick maths to give you an idea of how much energy you can expect to create.
What Is The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)?

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) allows you to sell excess energy from your solar system back to the National Grid.
Solar Panels – The FAQs

We get asked a lot of questions about solar, how it works, what panels are and how much money you can save with them.