Do I Need Planning Permission for Air Conditioning?

With the rising popularity of Air Conditioning in the UK it’s worth talking a little bit about whether or not you need planning permission for installing it. After all, going through the expense and the time of installing something as beneficial as A/C, only to be told it needs to be removed after the fact […]
Can Air Conditioning Help My Health?

As the temperatures get hotter and hotter here in the UK there is a rising desire for Air Conditioning to keep homes cool. But Air Conditioning can do more than just keep your home cool, you might be surprised to know that installing A/C in your home can make it a healthier place to be, […]
Can I Install Air Conditioning Myself?

In short, no not really. If you have bought a standalone Air Conditioning (A/C) unit, sometimes called a portable air conditioner, then sure, you can plug it in and let it go without needing a professional installer. However, installing a “proper” or permanent A/C system is a significantly more complicated task. Firstly, you need to […]